Sunday, October 4, 2015

SG Chem Reflection week 3

Throughout the week, we have finished our studies on Unit 4.  Due to the fact that we had a test on Wednesday, we focused on reviewing Monday and Tuesday.  We were given a sheet titled Distillation of Acetone and Water. This is a sheet that shows how to graph the change is substances after they are chemically combined.  The sheet was used as a guide to help the class with the graphing problems on the review guide because we have not gone over this topic in class. After we comprehended how to graph the chemical change in substances, we white-boarded them out.  On Tuesday, we white-boarded out the entire review guide and discussed the differences we had in answers between the table groups.  On Wednesday, we didn't touch base with any new topics because we were testing.   Thursday was an important day because we were introduced to a whole new unit.  Unit 5 is all about relative mass.  Beginning a new concept is always challenging, but I am looking forward to comprehending the new unit.  As the unit progresses,  hopefully, I will be more comfortable calculating relative mass.

The Distillation of Acetone and Water worksheet acted as an example worksheet in order to understand the concept because we have not touched based with his in class. We needed this worksheet to be able to complete the graphs on the back of the review guide.  After everyone completed the graphs on the back of the review sheet, we white boarded them out and compared them to the other table groups in the class.  The graphs looked relatively the same therefore, it allowed me to observe everyone in the class understood this concept.  When you have a boiling point at a specific temperature, the line on the graph will be horizontally straight.  Until you get to the boiling point of the next substance, the line increasing diagonal.  Once you have reached the next boiling point, the line is straight horizontal.  This is an image of the last 2 problems on the review guide which reviews graphing boiling points.
The next assignment we had of the week was white boarding the review guide.  Every concept on the review guide we have seen in class.   Therefore, white boarding them to compare answers was not extremely difficult because we have touched base on all the topics.  Here are a few examples of white boarded review guides from other groups.  
When we compared review guides and had different answers, we would discuss it is as a class and find the right answer to each of the problems as a class.  This technique was very helpful because we were able to hear various reasonings for several problems.

Due to the fact we tested on Wednesday, we started our new unit on Thursday.  We started unit 5 off with a complicated worksheet.  In my opinion, the whole concept of unit 5 is challenging; but I also need to take into consideration we have only been studying this material for two days.  The purpose of the worksheet we were given on Thursday was to determine the relative mass of different kinds of hardware to learn to count by finding the mass.   Therefore, the first thing we did for this worksheet was find measurements of washers, hex nuts and bolts plus the container.  The measurements we found helped up answer 5 questions on the worksheet.  Concluding the worksheet was done by knowing if you can count by weighing or not. My conclusion statement agreed that we can count by weighing.  An example of how we know this is because we wanted to figure out how many packing peanuts were in a bag.  We measured the weight of the bag and the weight of a packing peanut and were able to find the amount of packing peanuts in one bag.   Throughout the worksheet we were given on Thursday, this is the concept we learned but to a greater extent. 

Hoping things would we easier on Friday, we were given another worksheet with a different concept. First we had to make a particle drawing when the pressure is 1.43g/liters of oxygen and 0.089 g/liters of hydrogen and find how much more massive oxygen is than hydrogen.  This is particle drawing of the problem with an explanation.  
The next problem we were given began with this table below. 
As you can see next  to the numbers in the second column, the numbers are being divided by 12.5 for each elements in order to get the answer to the third column.  Then you can notice how the third column is multiplied but 2 in order to find the answer for the last column.  This concept seemed fairly simple once it was explained, but as we notice for the element of silver, we still dived the second column by 12.5 but instead of the formula being AgO like the rest of the elements are, the formula for finding the answers are Ag2O.  You can see where the formulas are for the rest of the elements before the numbers in the second column.  

This week was relatively stressful due to the fact we had a test and stated a new unit.  The new unit is extremely complicated to understand but I hope it becomes easier after our knowledge expands. Due to the fact I have been struggling with Unit 5, I tried to teach myself a few things by going to this website 
Throughout the next week, I plan on comprehending Unit 5 to the best of my ability.  

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