Saturday, September 26, 2015

SG chem week 2

Throughout this week, the main conclusion I made is the difficulty level during the assignments increased rapidly as the week progressed.  During the beginning of the week, we were given readings about different scientific theories.  One of the readings we were assigned to talk-to-the-text (underline and make comments about the important parts of the reading) was a reading titled Matter by Anthony Carpi.  In my opinion, this was my favorite thing learning this week because I now have a better understanding of the process the scientists had to go through in order to make the conclusions we are taught today.  The reading focuses on the differences in atoms from the scientists who built the foundation for the theory of atoms.  I will be focusing on reflecting on the process to discover oxygen.  The first scientist that started this process is Empedocles, who lived between the time period of 492 BCE and 432 BCE.  Throughout his studies and experiments, the main conclusion he resulted was that all matter was composed of four elements which were fire, air, water and earth. Even though this isn't the overall theory taught today, Empedocles ideas lead to amazing discoveries by other scientists because it supported the idea that pure materials were composed by various different elements.  With this information, Democritus's came up with the theory that atoms could not be destroyed.  "Democritus theorized that atoms were specific to the material that they made up." Sadly, this theory wasn't approved by other scientists.  Evangelista Torricelli proved that air had weight which lead to the invention of the barometer.  Due to this discovery, they realized if air had weight but we couldn't see, smell or taste it, it had to be constructed by physical particles.  Daniel Bernoulli used this information to conclude that "air and gas have tiny particles that are loosely packed in an empty space of volume." One of the most interesting things that happened thought the reading was that a scientist used theses particles to create a gas.  Priestly started his process by experimenting with Mercury calx.  He discovered that when this substance was heated, it turned into mercury which was a silver metal liquid and a strange gas. Once Priestly realized the strange gas was released, he carefully collected it and continued testing.  After placing a mouse inside a container with the "strange gas" he discovered the mouse was able to live longer than a mouse in ordinary air.  With this information, Antoine Lavoisier renamed the gas oxygen.  Understanding absorbing this amount of information may be challenging, I made a timeline which helped me get a visual of the main goals theses scientists accomplished.
The second reading we were giving was titled The Race for Iodine.  We were assigned a question sheet to answer about facts about the scientists that were involved in this scientific race.  In my opinion, this reading was not as interesting as Matter, but I did learn about other scientific discoveries and different scientists. From my perspective the most impressive fact in this article was that the English scientistic Davy discovered nitrous oxide (laughing gas) when he was only 21.  In addition, his family didn't have money when he was growing up and he never had an actual education.  To have the ability to accomplish what he did at such a young age is beyond extravagant. This website also helped simplify The Race for Iodine.

As the week progressed, the worksheets increased in difficulty.  Throughout the worksheet, we had to figure out the answers to problems based on their compounds with different elements. The first step we had to do in the worksheet was determine the value of the ratio of mass O divided by mass C.  "O" stands for oxygen and "C" stands for carbon because we were given the compounds of carbon and oxygen.   In each problem, we are given 2 compounds; A and B.  You determine the ratio in each compound by using the formula above, mass O divided by mass C.  Then we have the information needed to determine the differences between the ratio of the two compounds.  Now for the challenging part of the problems, putting the information we found into a particle drawing.  After it was explained the process became easier to comprehend.  
In Hypothesis 1, we are given the scenario that carbon and oxygen have the same mass.  To explain how I concluded in hypothesis one, box one is because with the numbers that were given to us, the mass ratio from compound A was 1.33 which is also 4/3 and the mass in ratio in compound B is 2.66 or 8/3.  Therefore,  for compound A in the first box, we can conclude that for ever 3 carbon atoms, there will be 4 oxygen atoms.  In the second box which is compound B, we can determine from the previous problem that for every 3 carbon atoms, there will be 8 oxygen atoms.  Now looking at the second column, we are given the scenario that oxygen is going to be heavier than carbon.  The first box is the atoms compared to each other.  Compound B box is interesting because 8/3 is twice as much as 4/3 which is why there is two oxygen for every one carbon atom.  

Surprisingly, the last worksheet of the week was fairly simple to make conclusions and determine the correct answer. Studying how sugar is made up of and how the amount of different elements can make 2 different types of sugar the same was our assignment.  In all of the problems, we were given a total mass and different amount of mass each element made up. We were assigned to find the percentage each element made up of the total mass. Throughout the different problems, the numbers changed slightly.  As a class, we made the conclusion that if one problem has the same percentages for the same element as another problem, then they are the same.  

Sunday, September 20, 2015

SG Chem 2 Blog Week 1

Throughout the week, there has been several class discussions about atoms, particles and molecules. As we progressed in our learnings, we discovered how theses different topics could lead to so many more.  In addition to the particles in general, we learned various ways to combined them and what the combinations are scientifically called.  On the topic of combining, there is also a way to separate particles, elements and atoms after they have been combined.  During the process of learning how to label a particle, element, atoms and what they lead to, we also learned how to draw them and table them depending on there shapes and connections in the particle drawings. Going in depth even further, we focused on using this process with actual elements.  For example, water is a element combination of Hydrogen and Oxygen.  We now the have the knowledge to comprehend how the elements are combined and what they look like.

At the beginning of the week, we were given a worksheet titled the Classification of Matter.  Throughout this work sheet, we focused on identifying how you can determine a pure substance, mixture, elements and compounds from a picture and title of the picture.  The first comparison we did was pure substances and mixtures. Pure Substances are compared to mixtures.
Pure Substance: A material that is composed of only one type of particle.
Mixture: A substance made by mixing other substances together.
The next comparison is Elements or Compounds.  A simple way to realize this is how the particles are labeled.
Element:  An element is composed of atoms that have the same atomic number, that is, each atom has the same number of protons in its nucleus as all other atoms in that element.
Compound:A substance formed when two or more substances are chemically bonded together.  
Throughout the process of learning about the topics of theses different combinations of elements, we learned that there is specific scientific guidelines when combining them.  For example, there is a chemical and physical way of combinding elements.  The easiest way to remember what can be separated physically is knowing compounds and mixtures can only be separated.  Compounds are separated chemically. Compound and chemical start with the letter "C" which is how I remember how compounds have to be separated.  Mixtures on the other hand can be separated physically or chemically.  In the process of learning how real elements can be represented as a mixture and compound was taking our pervious knowledge to the next level.
This example helped the class with the rest of the worksheet which was determining mixtures, pure substances, compounds and elements from pictures.  This concept was challenging because I am still new to this science subject.  An example of one of the problems is shown below.
Now beginning the final topic we discussed over the week is combining real elements.  In most cases, we are given two elements and we have to combine them to create another existing element. Personally, figuring out the particle drawings for water was the easiest problem for me because we know the formula and from previous knowledge, figuring out how many hydrogen particles are needed for one oxygen particle was simple based on the formula H2O.  The number "2" stands for two hydrogen particles for every one oxygen particles.  One of the easiest ways to understand this concept is by showing the particle drawing equation.  
Another example of this topic being used is by the creation of ammonia.  Ammonia is created by nitrogen and hydrogen.  The real question is how much nitrogen and hydrogen is needed to create another element.  Throughout this worksheet, the number of boxes over the element helps us comprehend the chemical equations and final particle drawings.  
At the beginning of the week, we were just learning what an atom and particle was, and by the end of the week, we are able to understand how to come up with equations and particle drawings of chemical compounds.  As we were learning this concept, I was confused on the process and wanted more information about elements in general.  I went to this website, which allowed me to comprehend the subject successfully.  The worksheets and practice problems provided for us this week is extremely helpful for me.  To really understand a topic, I like to have an immense amount of practice problems.  As of right now, I don't have many questions about the subject because I feel confident with my answers on the worksheets.  On the other hand, it would help to have more problems combining actual elements like we did on the last worksheet of the week.  Overall, I feel more confident then I did at the beginning of the week on the topic of elements, atoms, particles, mixtures, compounds, physical combinations, physical separations, chemical combinations, and chemical separations.